Oh boy!! Hello, welcom 2 mah page of writingz!! I haz a linkzie below u can uze 2 zee mah writingz!!

at leazt, I would if I haz nytng writtn zo far...
but uhhhhh for nowziez, I guezz I can zhareziez mah uzual writingz! Am workin on CotL AU fic, yaya! Iz moztly zelf-inzert but it haz lotz of other cool thingz 2! Yippie :3

Alzo! I likez Murder Drones! I haz OC n maybe will write with dem in it :3
Nowzies!! All da writingz r gonna b updatd in real time!! zo, if zometin dont look finizhd, datz y. pluz, will add notez @ da end 2 helpziez u, yaya!! ^^